Friday, April 24, 2009

Last Day in Tokyo

Sweet Mystery of Life!  
What an adventurous 3 months it has been!   The shock of my travels in japan have left my mind and body numb from fatigie!  Food, Culture and Homesickness have all played a part in the process but even now, while I stay in one of the Richest parts of tokyo, I am struggling to comprehend how any business can afford renting an appartment for more then $10,000/Month!
Every day I am confronted by relizations like this, that have brought me to a broader view of our world.  Mother sums it up well in her paragraph: WWOOF, Couch Surf, photography, hostels, penthouse apts!, street people who look frightening, tofu-green tea-and fish eggs, teaching and living with Eric and his family, having your own apartment and keeping it clean!, playing with children, digging in the soil, back breaking work in clearing and pruning, sleeping outside with no tent or sleeping bags, learning to survive when lost or left behind by the last bus, navigating foreign train systems and buses and time schedules, mountain climbs, temple tours, bamboo forest orchestras :), talking with 13 missionary kids and learning about their lives, construction, Hiroshima tour, sleeping in a real futon, on real tatami, with real rice paper doors, having to duck your head through these houses so you don't hit your forehead, touring a university, meeting people from all over the world, talks about world affairs and cultural differences, and even getting a hamburger!"
Looking forward to sharing more thoughts and photos with you when I return! 
Jordan Gamble

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

Touring a Tokyo University

I wont have internet acess over the next two days, maybe more, but I do hope to post again when I stay in another internet cafe... Or when I get to Mr Hollingsheads. Jordan, signing out!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Stay on a Farm in Tokyo

Check out the Video Bar!  Poor Quality but great shots!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

On the Way to TOKYO

Being a good traveler in Tokyo

  • Please help keep this very tidy city clean. Help save energy, especially electricity and water. Reject plastic bags if you can (You can say “kono ma ma daijobu desu”). Recycle (a habit which is fairly well-established in Tokyo). Trash cans can be found in front of most convenience stores and near the ticket gates of most stations. Trash is often sorted by burnable, non-burnable, and plastic bottles/cans/glass.
  • Wait in the queues formed on the train platforms and file on to the train in a timely fashion. During peak hours you will be closer to Tokyoites than any other time - usually pressed right up against them! Men - keep your hands above your head if possible, and women, use caution - there are regular reports of inappropriate fondling on crowded trains.
  • Do not use a loud voice in public spaces. It is important to try to keep the "wa" (harmony) as much as possible. This goes even when you are frustrated about/by something. It is best to bow and just walk away, unless, of course, you are being inappropriately fondled!
  • Try to speak and learn some basic Japanese. People will try to help you more and will reward your efforts. At the same time, many Japanese are excited by the chance to use English with you, even if it is not your native language.
  • Japan is generally a fairly conservative country on the surface, but most of this impression is due to the necessity of keeping the harmony. Japanese people tend to avoid controversial subjects as much as possible – that way it’s easier for everyone to live so close together!
  • You may find extreme differences in reaction from Japanese people if you ask them for help. Some will take you by the hand to exactly where you want to go, while others will avoid you and ignore you. If the latter happens, don't get angry, with so many people in Tokyo, it is common for people to tune out what's going on around them. Just try asking another person.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Here are the planes Japan is useing to spy on North Korea in PLANE SIGHT!  Scary what detail is open to the world! AWAC

Sunday, April 5, 2009

So I am having a wonderful time working with the Missionary family and talking about America, Japan and inbetween!  I am staying at a Japanese man's house arcoss the street which limits my blogging time to when I am back in the Bostroms home.  With so many people it is quite difficult to get anything written, not to mention that I have been madly emailing CS hosts in Tokyo in preparation for the last leg of my journey!
Here is an itinary given by the Tokyo group;
I will try to join in some activities then stay with Mr Hollingsheads Brother on the 23-27th. 
Thats the update!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Short Week Mission Trip in Japan

Hey Hey Hey,
So I get my first taste of real mission work here in Japan!  They Bostrom family is wonderful and their children are some of the best behaved I have ever met!  What a relief it has been after spending time with the Japanese, who's only facial expression is a smile cut short with a bow.  One can never really tell if someone genuinely likes you of if their just being polite...
I am in Kakegawa, a city very close to where my mother lived 30 years ago!  The weather is sunny but windy... they have typhons regullarly and will get muggy in but a few months.  The country and people are interesting and its great to bike around with the kids and see/meet the "natives".
I am always surprised at the reciepies and flavors but the food is good and there is plenty of it!  
I will post photo's tomarrow!  See ya later. jordan

Thursday, April 2, 2009

"If Japan recklessly 'intercepts' the DPRK's (North's) satellite for peaceful purposes, the KPA will mercilessly deal deadly blows not only at the already deployed intercepting means but at major targets," said a statement from the Korean People's Army (KPA).

I'll try to keep my head down in case somebody starts shooting off fireworks.  Its probobly just a big media scare but I might as well assume the worst, just in case?   Anyways, keep up the prayers...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Travel Rear

Stars shone in the icy midnight air... Not a soul stirred, not even a mouse! The bitter wind moaned in the trees and nature sat hushed as the darkness entombed the land. Slowly a piecing light caressed the sky! Brilliant heat rays, traveling quantum distances over mass less space eats away at this buried environment until hours later a warm glow soon emanates about the place. The cheerful cheers of nature sounds in the misty morning. Then suddenly in the warm rooms of mankind there hums a tone. A million sirens erupt all over the land as the clocks strike 7Am! The foggy emotions of mankind, all dreading the ensuing days work, mix harmoniously with the sweat smell of coffee! Only, there is no coffee... just green tea and tofu. These are the conscious thoughts going through my mind as I consider the benefit of hopping out of my cozy bed... Besides, who would get up before sunrise anyways! Hey, you know what! Tomorrow you can get up early... right now, you need your sleep.
Until suddenly:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How to Finance a Travel Pit - Or, how to travel cheap!

Good news, everyone! There are in fact many ways to save money and even more ways to make money while abroad! Its all in potential of ones resources... If we were referring to America it is a simple matter to find a need and compile a quick and easy manufacturing method... simple right? Well, in Japan the markets are much more confined yet being a fast paced society it has much in the way of left overs... if you catch my meaning... If not, and you believe Im just rambling then please keep reading. If you do think Im onto something deeply significant please get a reality check... (no harm intended) There is nothing I will say on this blog that has any meaning or usefulness! Why then, you ask, doest I read it? Is it humor? Nay, maybe it comfort or possibly Politics? Say what about Travel, adventure, or culture? No! This, is a story... ok so it has been slow in progressing but trust me... From now on I plan to engage you with gripping stories of peril and danger, life and love, liberty and happiness, vowels and nouns! Here begins what shall be know as, "The _____ Travels" ...any recommendations?

Chapter 1 - Midas of Mud
Shouts rang like quivering bells over the misty morning as the slow and methodical crack of axes shook out a rhythmic tune. Throughout the day more thunderous crashes filled air as pines and firs fell about the land mixed with the roar of a tractor, mercilessly excavating the Gregorius roots! (I have no idea what gregarious means so don't ask!?!) ...All to soon, the sun was setting over the hill tops when suddenly another crack sounded! Instantly there was a cry and moan of a boy.
"Oieee, me poor back!" Cryed the young English lad, who wished he had an accent but didn't.
The lad, now in great pain, retired to his home and ate fish eggs and dandelions. Feeling refreshed the lad fell fast asleep until... the following day:

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Travel Mavrel

Latter Day Information:

My host Family lives in a private house with the living room/bedroom combined. (There are 2 guest rooms attached were WWOOFers stay) The kitchen is small but both parents are excellent cooks. The children (Ages 1,3,5) are perfectly healthy. The father was originally in business but changed Career and lifestyle to become a occupational therapist. Huge transformation for religous reasons... They are Shinto/Buddist.

"Log GreenHouse" is complete but will not construct Log Cabin until Summer. Still clearing brush and chopping trees.

Maps here: Takachiho

Finally I will say I am beginning to like the food and culture here. When I first arrived I had a gut instinct of dislike for much of the food and lifestyle but after growing accustomed I am beginning to truly enjoy eating and living like a Japanese. Its takes getting used to but over time it is interesting how the human body can adapt.

"WOW" you say, that's actually really deep for this blog. I know... I'm feeling a little weird myself... oh well, back to me old self...

Lastly, ten points to whoever can think of phrases with the word TRAVEL. example: Myth; myth inc link, hit or myth, myth conceptions... you get the idea! please help me.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

"Bank Travel"

Bank Travel is a term recently coined for the express purpose of describing the condition of "good living" while abroad... hey, it works for THIS BLOG!
Ahaz for your questions I will be happy to work in finding the solutions! Give me some time... As you can see though I have thriftily commandeered some photos of the hosts computer and posted them for my dear readers. Very good people... For projects I might list off many examples but what you really want to hear is some stories, no? Well, so far Ive only been lucky enough to gash me thumb open with a saw and burn my hands on the welder... sorry, maybe Ill be more cool in the future... OH, I HAVE been able to drive the Kay truck around...
So anyways, check out the photos, post some thoughts on what you would want if you could come to Japan, and please share any news about home; I would love to hear any local news!!! Stories, events, life. I want to know!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Greetings Zorgs,
My, well today zob the zoric worked hard and enjoyed some special food. Pizza, Pudding, All homemade! Wonderful hosts! Brief description: A family of 5; 2 Boys/1 Girl, Mother is a Physical Therapist and Father is a Farmer/Occupational Therapist. Though, unlike auntie Karen his main work is with disabled children. Both care for the children switching every other day. After working all day they spend time reading to the children! Amazing ab\mount of effort! I have a new respect for all parents, though I seriously doubt I posses such Patience! In many ways the host family reminds me of our family. Country living, DIY projects, animals and a diverse diet!
I am thankful to be here! Sorry for the mood swing... Ill be recovering shortly!
Peace, Jordan

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Travel Stories High

Im recovered.
Oh, is that not enough?
Well lets see, The Farm is in the Mountains with chickens, Dogs, and Cats. The host family is very caring and speaks english very well! I am also grateful for a fellow WWOOFer. He has been studying/working in London the past 6 years so his english is great! He is traveling Japan for some time before returning home to Tailand. He and I also have alot in common... like, uhh, well, ...we work in on the same farm!
The foods normal: Rice, Fish, Eggs, and Bread. Not only are they framing the log cabin now but I also get to prcatic my welding, chain sawing, and other sweet skills! As for interenet I have acsess to there computer after dinner but very slow conection so no skype, sorry! OK! I DONT HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO REPORT! OVER!
P.S- I am learning alot and enjoying conversing with the people here. Best Regards, Jordan

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Travels through Babbles

Sooo, I can feel I`m at the transition point in my first trip away from home. Honestly I dont know how to describe depression but it always here, on my mind, making it hard to sleep. Wait, scratch that last point! I should probably give some back ground to last night. The night before leaving there is this huge festival! Everyone is drunk, except me... (I only tasted some of the samples) Finnaly after watching fire works and burning floats we headed back... It was 2 AM before I finished packing and I was very stressed about my trip the next day. ...SO there he was, traveling across Japan; starting at 5AM and finishing at 8PM. Apon arriving at the destination he trys to find the bus which will complete the trip up the mountain to the Farm HOuse. By 9PM he comes to the sicking conclusion that there are no more buses until morning... In a disillusioned state of mind our lucky hero decides to camp out the night until morning. Ahhh... miniature shelter, fire, and some food, GREAT! (There may have been foul play in the food; In an attempt to clear out the fridge there was some confusion of whether the mixture of sugar cookies and green tea...) Anyways where was he? Ah, yes: as midnight aproached there was a hushed pause in the air... SSHHHEEEEIIIYY, A thounderous roar tore down the mountain! Within seconds wind shook the earth in a hellish manner! The small fire he sat by, suddenly lept into a multple places, fanned by a turbulence likened only banshees!!! AHH!, stomp, chrash, stomp, thud! ...the silence, cold figid darkness! Ah, what a night; Shiver me Timbers! Luckily his sense of humility overcame pride and after rummaging through a nearby trashcan our heroic survivor found paper and plasic, with which he stuffed his clothes in as fashionable way possible... (A pigs tumor would be less revolting) Warm now how heros story ends as the light of day peaks over the hills... In simple elegance he arrived at the host and was surprised by what a wonderful farm he found! There was even another fornerier staying He is Male, 25 from Thailand. We are glad for the company and and renewed hope of decision making. The future holds much for our hero... let us hope he doesn't make the same mistakes twice or die trying.
Best to you, my dear and loved readers -Jordan

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Test Post


An Island Of the Coast of Hiroshima

Hey all, Sorry for the poor quality.  
Blog has a 100 MB Limit and as I was useing a 
windows media video I kept having issues.  
WARNING on the sound... really unreliable. 
Also, sorry about the music. 
                          Next time I wont put any on.
But you can see some of the photos on Flickr. 
Hope I can figure something out.  Peace

Monday, March 9, 2009

Your reading this post because...

Hello All,
So I really am looking forward to sharing some of my adventures I've had over the past week, but I I'm still recovering... I'll just write out some quick notes before bed...  '
          The hosts were vegetarian and worked like they were 20's!  (For the record, they were in their 30-40's)  I ate light as I wasn't accustomed to the diet but other than weak knees I felt fine... Slept fine, worked hard, and pulled half my muscles in my back.  But here is the Finale:  Yesterday, I got home any ate alot without really thinking...  I began feeling sick today then suddenly I threw up my entire days appetite!  Seriously, the pan I puked in was 1/4 full!  I feel better now and at least I'm a little wiser on eating habits... I'd like to reassure Mother that I'm not alone in my suffering,  Eric has be like a Mother to me; Always ready to listen to my ideas, fears, and pain!
Night all; Jordan Signing out! Peace

Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Travels and Home Stays

Hello Dear Readers,  (Note: you'd be more 'dear' if you help financed my travels... hint, hint.)
I am posting because I wanted to give everyone an outline of my scheme... ok, plan!
Here's the strait talk:   I will be traveling and staying with different families throughout Japan for periods of 1-2 Weeks.  I've been in Onihachiman for 3 weeks now and plan to visit Hiroshima, Toyama, and Tokyo. 
Transportation: Seishun 18 Kippu Train This $28 ticket allows you to travel anywhere in japan over a period of 24 hours, for a fraction of what it costs to take the bus or bullet train. Sweet!
I will hopefully have Internet access but not will not post frequently
Thanks for reading! 
Best Regards, jordan gamble

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Park Day

We spent some time at the one of the many parks nearby 
and really had a great time playing with the other kids;
speaking japanese, and learning new games.  I lent the 
kids my camera and they got some pretty good shots as 
you can see here...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Japanese Onsen (Public Bath)

.....           ...                   ........
I'm lost for words...  How can my words give credit to such a perfected system!
I can't say i've ever had such an amazing experience or sensation!  When I stepped out of the 200 Farienhiet Bath and into the ICEY Pool my body literaly shut down.  Eric held his breath for 2 minutes without a problem.  I was in shock so I didnt get there, but when I got out I had lost all blood and oxygen to my head.... It was THE trippiest moment when I couldn't think or concentrate on what Eric was saying!  I couldn't even feel my heartbeat;  At that point I realized I was a walking Zombie and there was nothing I could do about it!  No wonder people here live incredibly long! Its a Crio Bathing House!
Here's my advice:  Get a $400 Ticket, fly here, spend 1 day bathing and go home with a memory that will last a couple of lifetimes!  But Be Warned!  You may never return... Even now I can't wait to get back to the Onsen... O onsen, I think I'm in love!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Solitude; A Culture of Politness

What an experience!  How many people get to compare and contrast their beliefs and expectations before that first college class or job!  For example the things we take for granted; and not just food or a home but on the emotional level... Or maybe instead there are things we've blindly accepted... Why do we stand for something just because everybody else does?  I have found there are so many ways of looking at a topic that I've never seen online or in books! When I return to the states my view of school, life and the world will be more broad because of the experience!  Thank you Mother and everyone who helped out! ...alright, uhhh, so not much else to report... just did some hiking and took the train into osaka; MYSELF!  hheeee! (that's slang for awesome or cool in japanese) bye bye

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Japanese Culture Basics

On the whole, the Japanese people are very warm, helpful, and gracious to the western visitor. One can attain a lot of personal growth as well as make a lot of good friends in Japan. Only when the westerner stays here long enough (6months-Year) and tries to go deeper into the Japanese society does the resistance begin.
Good overview to where I'm at:
Though I can't find many social groups online I'll be introduced through church, kendo classes and TESL.  Hopefully I'll take some time to travel north to tokyo or Kyoto.  Any thoughts?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

LAX Departation

Ahha, haha... See my humorous title? Yea, that's right... Ha ah ha! ...I find the funny.