Saturday, March 21, 2009

"Bank Travel"

Bank Travel is a term recently coined for the express purpose of describing the condition of "good living" while abroad... hey, it works for THIS BLOG!
Ahaz for your questions I will be happy to work in finding the solutions! Give me some time... As you can see though I have thriftily commandeered some photos of the hosts computer and posted them for my dear readers. Very good people... For projects I might list off many examples but what you really want to hear is some stories, no? Well, so far Ive only been lucky enough to gash me thumb open with a saw and burn my hands on the welder... sorry, maybe Ill be more cool in the future... OH, I HAVE been able to drive the Kay truck around...
So anyways, check out the photos, post some thoughts on what you would want if you could come to Japan, and please share any news about home; I would love to hear any local news!!! Stories, events, life. I want to know!


  1. Hola amigo, cómo esta usted? arrepentido tengo no historia fresca de casa, estoy en Nicaragua y todo... pero se parezco a usted hacen lo que usted hace mejor sacando de raspaduras. ...

    and if you cant read that cause your mind is set in jap thats coole i still love you.... anyway man you are like drinking tea and hanging in rooms where the doors slide open that is awesome.... just keep it real man and really get into the culture dont try and keep up your americano ways do what tom what ever his name was did in that movie with the sward people....

    love you man and travel hard.....

  2. You want news, huh? My intramural soccer team got creamed today. My school is doing "The Happiest Millionaire" (do you remember that movie? The rich guy's house with the alligators and the whole family boxed?) and it's really funny. My friends had some girls they lead at awana spend the night last night and it was hilarious how much energy those kids had! They were bouncing off the walls! ...Before we gave them sugar. :)
    Otherwise, I'm studying, teaching English, going to classes, and all that. I think your life is probably more exciting right now. :)

  3. Grandpa, Dad, and some workers have done more work on our 'secret garden' and tonight we had a few neighbors over to celebrate Fred's 60th birthday. It was really nice. Dad put miniature lights around the pond, had solar lamps along the walkways, brought the portable firepit and put chairs around, had the barbeque in there with tables set up and everyone who came was delighted with the ambience. It was so peaceful. I sat out there after everyone had gone just staring at the lit pond and enjoyed the last lingering flickers of the warm fire. it was so nice. I did think about you though, being cold on mountains and trying to make fires -- I'm so thankful I didn't know about your struggles until they were over. Blessings, Love Mom

  4. Aww, Im near tears... seriously, its really nice of you all to share something about home. I cant tell you have happy it makes me just to hear the simple but honest stories of home. I cant stop smiling! Thanks.
    Also, its great to hear the old phrases and tones in your writings; Caleb, your comments were so real and honest I could here you voice in me head! Thanks for the comforting words.
    Ill try to repay you all with more information on my travels... love \jordan
