Monday, March 9, 2009

Your reading this post because...

Hello All,
So I really am looking forward to sharing some of my adventures I've had over the past week, but I I'm still recovering... I'll just write out some quick notes before bed...  '
          The hosts were vegetarian and worked like they were 20's!  (For the record, they were in their 30-40's)  I ate light as I wasn't accustomed to the diet but other than weak knees I felt fine... Slept fine, worked hard, and pulled half my muscles in my back.  But here is the Finale:  Yesterday, I got home any ate alot without really thinking...  I began feeling sick today then suddenly I threw up my entire days appetite!  Seriously, the pan I puked in was 1/4 full!  I feel better now and at least I'm a little wiser on eating habits... I'd like to reassure Mother that I'm not alone in my suffering,  Eric has be like a Mother to me; Always ready to listen to my ideas, fears, and pain!
Night all; Jordan Signing out! Peace


  1. I'd like to add to Jordan's story as he told us on Skype, but left out on his notes. He went to a Japanese bath in his weakened condition and blacked out when he got out of the bath. He says he doesn't know how long he lay there but when he came to there was blood around him. He had cut his head and his finger. Going into the bathroom he grabbed a washcloth and blood was all over it, but guess what, not one Japanese asked if he needed help, OR EVEN CAME TO HELP HIM WHILE HE LAY THERE BLACKED OUT! Shocking! He said 45 minutes had passed but he wasn't sure how much of that time he had laid unconscious on the ground as he was so confused. I am just thankful that I was hearing the story from him, alive, while sitting back in his apartment in Omihachiman! Tough lessons!

  2. Wow Jordan,
    Way to go and almost die on me!!!! What are you thinking! You do realize that you have obligations to more people than yourself. I need to see you again.

    My roommate was really happy to hear that you puked. He thinks that it is the funniest thing ever.

    So, we should talk if you are back. I can talk wednesday night at 7pm so whatever that is for you.

  3. Awwww, yea, thats true, I do have more obligations but I honestly couldn't stomach some of the food! Fish Eggs, Sweet/Salty Sushi, Squishy tofu! Anyways, I pretty much got a crash course on traditional Japanese diet and I lived to tell the tale with only a couple of scratches and an big appetite! Love ya!

  4. Sorry, you were sick. Are you O.K. now?
    Please get better, to you can enjoy Sagichyo Festival this weekend.

  5. Aya,
    Jordan is thinking to come to your home right before he leaves Japan. Would that be possible? He will probably contact you soon.

