Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Travel Rear

Stars shone in the icy midnight air... Not a soul stirred, not even a mouse! The bitter wind moaned in the trees and nature sat hushed as the darkness entombed the land. Slowly a piecing light caressed the sky! Brilliant heat rays, traveling quantum distances over mass less space eats away at this buried environment until hours later a warm glow soon emanates about the place. The cheerful cheers of nature sounds in the misty morning. Then suddenly in the warm rooms of mankind there hums a tone. A million sirens erupt all over the land as the clocks strike 7Am! The foggy emotions of mankind, all dreading the ensuing days work, mix harmoniously with the sweat smell of coffee! Only, there is no coffee... just green tea and tofu. These are the conscious thoughts going through my mind as I consider the benefit of hopping out of my cozy bed... Besides, who would get up before sunrise anyways! Hey, you know what! Tomorrow you can get up early... right now, you need your sleep.
Until suddenly:


  1. Ok, I think I am understanding that you are writing a story. Hmmm, a story about fish eggs and sleep and pain. Do I get it?

    IS IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO ACTUALLY GIVE US FACTS? Good writers also include a story line, that allows its readers to feel as though they are there with you, you know - - actual facts! The only place I find myself with you is eating fish eggs with a hurt back. Could we have some details that actually let me, your mother, know what is going on? People ask me how you are doing and I honestly have to say that I don't know what is going on... this isn't funny, Jordan! Your mother is indeed quite upset. Facts, son, facts.
    Here are some questions that I would like an answer to:

    Besides chopping down trees, burning your fingers and cutting yourself, what work have you done? Please be thorough in your explanation so that I can understand your work as well as I know the clouds patterns, sun's rising, stars shining, and winds blowing from your definitions.

    What do you eat besides fish eggs?

    Have you done anything besides work?

    Is your Thailand friend still there with you? If so, do you two enjoy anything together?

    Do you sleep on a futon? Is it a traditional Japanese farm house or western style?

    How long will you be there? What day do you leave?

    Are you enjoying it, or are you still homesick?

    Levi just got home this morning, WEdnesday, at 5 AM. He is still asleep but it is nice to have him home. Dental cleaning appointments today!

    Love Mom

  2. Once again...Jordan's food starved mind wonders down the path few ever return from. His hilucinations get worse as the coma becuase more overpowering. His imagination and view are so confused he cant tell reality from dream and there is no one there to help him.


  3. Okay, I give up. My paltry attempts to write appear so bland next to your eloquence. If I ever want to be seen as good, I'll just have to plagarize your work. ;-)

  4. Get on to skype!!!!!!!!

  5. Today is Thursday. Where are you? No posts make me worry... sort of... actually, your posts make me worry too! :)

  6. Jordan does not have a camera or a microphone so he cannot skype right now. He returns to Omihachiman on Mar. 31st, so until then we only have words.... that is, if he stays alive! Where are you?

  7. Laughing out Loud! LITERALLY! I must say your comments really keep me breathing! Thanks for the love... even if it is sarcastic and heckling... I feel it deep down!

  8. hey man you need to start writing some stuff in in jap... so we can see what an awesome japan person you are.....

  9. and really man you and me should take like a day and just meet on like a random island or somewhere...

  10. What about hawii? That would be sweet! Then we could swim back!

  11. lol levi. so true.

    love ya cuz, but the real test comes in combining useful, practical information with your 'artistic' talent. lol.

  12. This whole conversation is amazingly funny to me.
