Thursday, February 12, 2009


  1. Greetings Jordan
    This is real timely checking of your blog. I am so impressed!!!
    You seem to be having a great deal of fun preparing meals and it's nice to get a first hand view of your experience.
    I love the way you edited this clip. Keep it up, and keep eating healthily.
    Hope everything else is going well for you.
    Thanks for keeping us posted.
    ~ Aunt Prisca

  2. Looks like a great meal! Cool music, too.

  3. you communicate so well through photos!

  4. Yo bro! Nice vid. I especially like your added music. That really set the mood of the video. I think after watching that I am going to go each lunch at the dinning hall! Hmmm. Well, have a great weekend, I am leaving for Whistler,BC tonight and will be skiing over the weekend. I will post pics when I return.
    (P.S. Its V-day tomorrow, or today since you are ahead. Any pretty girls over there...just kidding)

  5. AWWW... how nice of you thinking of me... and yes I am going out to dinner with someone... Her names Salina.
    ...AHHH GOT YOU! But seriously, I'll be over at the Kane's house tonight and they do have a very polite little girl named Salina. She speaks good English for being age 6 and and is very well mannered! Goes to show what great people brought her up!
