Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Travels through Babbles

Sooo, I can feel I`m at the transition point in my first trip away from home. Honestly I dont know how to describe depression but it always here, on my mind, making it hard to sleep. Wait, scratch that last point! I should probably give some back ground to last night. The night before leaving there is this huge festival! Everyone is drunk, except me... (I only tasted some of the samples) Finnaly after watching fire works and burning floats we headed back... It was 2 AM before I finished packing and I was very stressed about my trip the next day. ...SO there he was, traveling across Japan; starting at 5AM and finishing at 8PM. Apon arriving at the destination he trys to find the bus which will complete the trip up the mountain to the Farm HOuse. By 9PM he comes to the sicking conclusion that there are no more buses until morning... In a disillusioned state of mind our lucky hero decides to camp out the night until morning. Ahhh... miniature shelter, fire, and some food, GREAT! (There may have been foul play in the food; In an attempt to clear out the fridge there was some confusion of whether the mixture of sugar cookies and green tea...) Anyways where was he? Ah, yes: as midnight aproached there was a hushed pause in the air... SSHHHEEEEIIIYY, A thounderous roar tore down the mountain! Within seconds wind shook the earth in a hellish manner! The small fire he sat by, suddenly lept into a multple places, fanned by a turbulence likened only banshees!!! AHH!, stomp, chrash, stomp, thud! ...the silence, cold figid darkness! Ah, what a night; Shiver me Timbers! Luckily his sense of humility overcame pride and after rummaging through a nearby trashcan our heroic survivor found paper and plasic, with which he stuffed his clothes in as fashionable way possible... (A pigs tumor would be less revolting) Warm now how heros story ends as the light of day peaks over the hills... In simple elegance he arrived at the host and was surprised by what a wonderful farm he found! There was even another fornerier staying He is Male, 25 from Thailand. We are glad for the company and and renewed hope of decision making. The future holds much for our hero... let us hope he doesn't make the same mistakes twice or die trying.
Best to you, my dear and loved readers -Jordan


  1. So, in short, you missed the last bus, tried to campout and built a fire that got out of control, stamped it out and stuffed your clothes with paper and plastic from a trash can to keep warm??????

    Wow... I'm not sure what to say. ummmmm glad you are alive? glad you didn't start a forest fire? wow is really about all I can say...

  2. You know, Mrs. Seckelman has offered to give you a really nice tour of Japan! Maybe you could use a few lessons in city living? Maybe you have spent too much time in scouts and the wild to figure out how buses and hotels work? :) I love you son,

  3. Wow, that's quite an adventure! NOT! I'm glad you found a way to get warm. And... it certainly makes a good story!

  4. Blast! I had hoped we had all learned a valuable lesson today but for those still struggleing with the concepts I will briefly outline what I said: Dont MESS with the Johan!

  5. What are you doing over there Jordan? Your scaring me!
    It's not right! Not at all! No no no! Bad Jordan, that's wrong. Your ruining our Gamble coolness, completly and uterly. Uh, I can't believe you. How rude! You know what, I have nothing to say to you!

  6. Nice, you sound like Peter and I except you diddnt have Peter to console you. That is really rough. I have an idea what you went though but to be alone has to be really hard. This summer will be fun, just survive.

  7. I know! I cant stop thinking about how cool it will be! I have all these ideas on things to do with the kids! I hope it doesnt distract me from the present! love you broskis! jeace out!
